Urban Economics
Graduate course, ITAM, 2021
In this course we introduce the main questions and tools of urban economics. We study the determinants of the locations of households and firms within cities, to then analyze economic phenomena specific to cities. We introduce applied econometric tools and structural modelling.
Primary instructor. Course taught in Spanish.
Referencias principales
- Daude, Christian, Fajardo, Gustavo, Brassiolo, Pablo, Estrada, Ricardo, Goytia, Cinthia, Sanguinetti, Pablo, Álvarez, Fernando y Vargas, Juan (2017) RED 2017. Crecimiento urbano y acceso a oportunidades: un desafío para América Latina. CAF.
- Henderson, J. V., & Turner, M. A. (2020). “Urbanization in the developing world: too early or too slow?. Journal of Economic Perspectives, 34(3), 150-173.
Referencias adicionales
- Bryan, G., Glaeser, E., & Tsivanidis, N. (2020). “Cities in the developing world”. Annual Review of Economics, 12, 273-297.
- Chauvin, Juan Pablo, Glaeser, Edward, Ma, Yueran y Tobio, Kristina. (2017) “What is different about urbanization in rich and poor countries? Cities in Brazil, China, India and the United States”. Journal of Urban Economics 98, 17-49.
Capítulo 1. Motivación y el modelo monocéntrico
Referencias principales
- Brueckner, Jan K (1987), The structure of urban equilibria: A unified treatment of the muth-mills model. Handbook of Regional and Urban economics, 2, 821–845.
- Duranton, Gilles y Puga, Diego (2015), Urban land use. In Handbook of regional and Urban Economics, volume 5, 467–560, Elsevier.
- Fujita, Masahisa (1989) Urban Economic Theory: Land Use and City Size. Cambridge University Press.
- LeRoy, S. F., & Sonstelie, J. (1983). Paradise lost and regained: Transportation innovation, income, and residential location. Journal of Urban Economics, 13(1), 67-89.
Referencias adicionales
- Couture, V., & Handbury, J. (2020). Urban revival in America. Journal of Urban Economics, 119, 103267.
- Zabek, M. (2024). Local ties in spatial equilibrium. American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics, 16(2), 287-317.
- Coate, P., & Mangum, K. (2019). Fast locations and slowing labor mobility. Working paper.
- Gollin, D., Kirchberger, M., & Lagakos, D. (2017). In search of a spatial equilibrium in the developing world (No. w23916). National Bureau of Economic Research.
- Turner, M. A. (2005). Landscape preferences and patterns of residential development. Journal of Urban Economics, 57(1), 19-54.
- Card, D. (1990). The impact of the Mariel boatlift on the Miami labor market. ILR Review, 43(2), 245-257.
Capítulo 2. El modelo multicéntrico.
Referencias principales
- Fujita, M., & Ogawa, H. (1982). Multiple equilibria and structural transition of non-monocentric urban configurations. Regional science and urban economics, 12(2), 161-196.
Referencias adicionales
- Lucas, R. E., & Rossi–Hansberg, E. (2002). On the internal structure of cities. Econometrica, 70(4), 1445-1476.
Capítulo 3. Aglomeración.
Referencias principales
- Ciccone, A., & Hall, R. E. (1996). Productivity and the Density of Economic Activity. The American Economic Review, 86(1), 54-70.
- Greenstone, M., Hornbeck, R., & Moretti, E. (2010). Identifying agglomeration spillovers: Evidence from winners and losers of large plant openings. Journal of Political Economy, 118(3), 536-598.
- Ahlfeldt, G. M. & Pietrostefani, Elisabetta. The economic effects of density: a synthesis. Journal of Urban Economics, 111, 93-107.
- Duranton, Gilles, and Diego Puga. Micro-foundations of urban agglomeration economies. In Handbook of regional and urban economics, vol. 4, pp. 2063-2117. Elsevier, 2004.
Capítulo 4. Modelos cuantitativos de economía espacial
Referencias principales
Ahlfeldt, G. M., Redding, S. J., Sturm, D. M., & Wolf, N. (2015). The economics of density: Evidence from the Berlin Wall. Econometrica, 83(6), 2127-2189.
Hayashi (2000). Econometrics. Princeton University Press.
Holmes, T. J., & Sieg, H. (2015). Structural estimation in urban economics. In Handbook of regional and urban economics (Vol. 5, pp. 69-114). Elsevier.
Redding, S. J., & Rossi-Hansberg, E. (2017). Quantitative spatial economics. Annual Review of Economics, 9, 21-58.
Referencias adicionales
- Monte, F., Redding, S. J., & Rossi-Hansberg, E. (2018). Commuting, migration, and local employment elasticities. American Economic Review, 108(12), 3855-90.
- Delventhal, M. J., Kwon, E., & Parkhomenko, A. (2022). “JUE Insight: How do cities change when we work from home?. Journal of Urban Economics, 127, 103331.
- Zárate, R. D. (2022). Spatial misallocation, informality, and transit improvements: Evidence from Mexico city. Working paper.
Capítulo 5. Equilibrio Espacial y Sistemas de Ciudades
Referencias principales
- Albouy, D. (2016). What are cities worth? Land rents, local productivity, and the total value of amenities. Review of Economics and Statistics, 98(3), 477-487.
- Diamond, Rebecca (2016). The determinants and welfare implications of US workers’ diverging location choices by skill: 1980-2000. American Economic Review, 106(3), 479-524.
- Henderson, J. V. (1974). The sizes and types of cities. The American Economic Review, 64(4), 640-656.
- Roback, Jennifer (1982). Wages, rents, and the quality of life. Journal of political Economy, 90(6), 1257-1278.
Referencias adicionales
- Desmet, K., & Rossi-Hansberg, E. (2013). Urban accounting and welfare. American Economic Review, 103(6), 2296-2327.
- Michaels, G., & Rauch, F. (2018). Resetting the urban network: 117–2012. The Economic Journal, 128(608), 378-412.
Capítulo 6. Mercados inmobiliarios y precios hedónicos.
- Notas de Hillary Hoynes sobre Chay y Greenstone
- Notas de Nathan Schiff sobre Bayer, Ferreira y McMillan
Referencias principales
- Bayer, P., Ferreira, F., & McMillan, R. (2007). A unified framework for measuring preferences for schools and neighborhoods. Journal of political economy, 115(4), 588-638.
- Chay, K. Y., & Greenstone, M. (2005). Does air quality matter? Evidence from the housing market. Journal of political Economy, 113(2), 376-424.
Capítulo 7. Transporte
Referencias principales
- Small, K. A., Winston, C., & Yan, J. (2005). Uncovering the distribution of motorists’ preferences for travel time and reliability. Econometrica, 73(4), 1367-1382.
Referencias adicionales
- Small, K. A., Winston, C., Yan, J., Baum-Snow, N., & Gómez-Ibáñez, J. A. (2006). Differentiated road pricing, express lanes, and carpools: Exploiting heterogeneous preferences in policy design. Brookings-Wharton Papers on Urban Affairs, 53-96.
- Jedwab, R., Loungani, P., & Yezer, A. (2021). Comparing cities in developed and developing countries: Population, land area, building height and crowding. Regional Science and Urban Economics, 86, 103609.
- Cuberes, D., Desmet, K., & Rappaport, J. (2021). Urban growth shadows. Journal of Urban Economics, 123, 103334.
- Hornbeck, R., & Moretti, E. (2022). Estimating who benefits from productivity growth: local and distant effects of city productivity growth on wages, rents, and inequality. Review of Economics and Statistics, 1-49.
- Gaubert, C. (2018). Firm sorting and agglomeration. American Economic Review, 108(11), 3117-3153.
- Almagro, M., & Domínguez-Iino, T. (2024). Location sorting and endogenous amenities: Evidence from amsterdam (No. w32304). National Bureau of Economic Research.
- Ghose, D. (2021). Trade, Internal Migration, and Human Capital: Who Gains from India’s IT Boom?. World Bank.
- Alix-Garcia, J., & Sellars, E. A. (2020). Locational fundamentals, trade, and the changing urban landscape of Mexico. Journal of Urban Economics, 116, 103213.
- Davis, D. R., Mengus, E., & Michalski, T. K. (2020). Labor market polarization and the great divergence: Theory and evidence (No. w26955). National Bureau of Economic Research.
- Büchel, K., Ehrlich, M. V., Puga, D., & Viladecans-Marsal, E. (2020). Calling from the outside: The role of networks in residential mobility. Journal of urban economics, 119, 103277.
- Aaronson, D., Faber, J., Hartley, D., Mazumder, B., & Sharkey, P. (2021). The long-run effects of the 1930s HOLC “redlining” maps on place-based measures of economic opportunity and socioeconomic success. Regional science and urban economics, 86, 103622.
- Gaubert, Cecile, Patrick M. Kline, and Danny Yagan. Place-based redistribution. No. w28337. National Bureau of Economic Research, 2021.
- Ahlfeldt, G. M., Albers, T., & Behrens, K. (2020). Prime locations.
- Tang, C. K. (2021). The cost of traffic: evidence from the London congestion charge. Journal of Urban Economics, 121, 103302.
- Tarduno, M. (2021). The congestion costs of Uber and Lyft. Journal of Urban Economics, 122, 103318.